FAQ and Updates
Jeanne's Future (October 2021)
As most of you know, Discord is forcing bot developers to implement slash commands into their bots. This has caused Danny, the core and sole maintainer of discord.py to step down.
Jeanne is coded in Python and due to this, I will face a problem with implementing slash commands into her since the official package for it hasn't been released and Danny has made a request to contributors to take over the discord.py but no one has accepted it yet and I personally feel that Discord does not care about the developers. Feels like YouTube also not caring about the creators after COPPA and FTC was brought into the platform as I feel they are in the same WhatsApp group. Not only Danny is affected but other Discord API Library developers are also affected by this and has either stepped down as owners or maintainers of them.
Will you stop developing Jeanne? No. I will not stop developing her. I will not let 4+ months of work go to waste (even though I'm a beginner programmer). I've managed to get Jeanne into Top.gg. But if I have to continue developing her, I have 3 choices:
I will use the unstable packages of the slash commands (dislash, discord-py-slash-commands) to implement them. I know they are not the official packages but I know a bot developer who uses them and has implemented it to his bot and they worked well. So, I will use them to make sure Jeanne lives and I can continue developing her.
I have to learn another programming language and my 2nd language of choice before I started making the bot was JavaScript and they have the official package of slash commands made. I know JS is a harder language than Python but at least I can use the stable release of these packages.
I will not implement the slash commands but I will restrict Jeanne from entering 85+ servers as this would cause her to go through the verification process. That will be a major disadvantage to me and to Jeanne but it would cause less stress than setting up the slash commands in my point of view.
Will slash commands make it easier for me to use the bot? Well yes but actually no in most cases. Imagine if you had 5+ bots and you want to do userinfo. Then you will stumble upon other bots like Arcane, Dank Memer and Mee6 and you have to scroll way down to look for Jeanne to do that command. And it is also not beneficial for all bots as they will all have the same prefix (/) and it would be kinda stupid and lame.
What do I think will happen after April 2022? I could think of 3 things
Scenario A:
Discord has listened to the developers and decide to not make the implementation of slash commands compulsory. Some library developers might come back or not to maintain the libraries.
Scenario B:
Almost all bots, big or small (has reached over 85+ servers and have been verified or in process of verification) has been discontinued, everyone would be sad that their favourite bots have died and considered useless. Most people would leave their bots as they don't want to implement slash commands in them (like I said, stupid and lame).
Scenario C:
Almost the same as B but someone has forked the libraries to bypass some of the features Discord is locking (I am not sure if I'm correct or saying this right).
I will try all my best to make sure Jeanne makes it through April 2022, even if it means changing programming language. Like I said, I will not let my 4+ months go to waste.
Thank you and stay safe
FAQ (backlog and new commands) (December 2021)
So, I guess some people will ask me about why I took 19 days to update Jeanne when the bot needed immediate fixes on some commands. I have been planning to do that however there were a lot of backlogs that delayed it. I will explain that later but now, its FAQ time before I will be asked the same questions over and over.
I added '02' as a tag for the yandere command but I got a 'blacklist message' but not from the gelbooru or danbooru command. Why? I blacklisted that tag on the yandere command because it returned guro and extreme content that is not very safe. It is the only tag that has its own error message other than loli, ugly bastard or shota that have the same 'blacklist' message. To be honest, I thought 02 would return the 02 character from Darling in the Franxx.
Why did it take you 19 days to update Jeanne? There were a lot of backlogs that prevented me to work on Jeanne or do minor fixes. I have planned to complete it in less than 3 days. However, it took almost 7 times longer.
The 1st backlog was my workplace. I spend 7 to 8 hours per day working but most of the time, it gets quiet to I can do some random stuff while waiting for customers. The past 19 days showed a lot of activity at work that I barely had time to rest (such as people looking around and assisting them, being extra vigilant as there are loiters checking the shop and waiting for an opening to steal something). This has happened after the opening of SAYouth posts and SARS tax registering. You might think that is very easy to do, right? Wrong! Most of the time, customers take almost 3 to 7 minutes looking around in the shop and I have to stand by the door and watch if they are taking something, they make irrational changes while I am working on their CVs or letters which forces me to retype sometimes the whole thing, missing documents for the SAYouth or SARS, harassed by many customers for 'bad service' on their SARS registration (first, SARS is owned by the government. I do not work with them in any way or form. Second, if they are missing the required documents, then they will not qualify for the registration and they will go mad or talk senselessly not understand that they are missing something) and most of them threatened to get me fired for lying about that there is no jobs in my workplace (there is not enough money to hire another person as it is just only me, my boss and his wife in this area).
The 2nd backlog is exams. I am on my 3rd year about to go to my 4th year and exams has been putting a toll on me. Although I am almost done, my exams are about almost 3 months long. Each paper is about 2 to 4 hours long except one which I finished that had a 24-hour time limit. During that time of exams, I might lose focus on fixing Jeanne yet I was aware of the faults.
The 3rd backlog is Sunday. Sunday is my free day... from work, not house work. Every Sunday, I am told to do this, do that, paint this, cut this, go out to town and buy this and when itβs done, I usually play games to finally catch a breather. This is the only day of the week that I wish I have a full break but there is always something that I would be told to do.
The 4th backlog and this is the worst enemy of South Africa including myself, loadshedding. Loadshedding is very familiar here since late 2008. It involves schedule blackouts that would last about +/- 6 hours per day depending on the stage it is set on. Now at this year, internet connection gets knocked out whenever loadshedding starts and without it, it would be impossible to test the fixes and new commands and I mostly do them on a PC. Even though have a laptop, again, same story. There are some cases that the area should be having power back after the time of loadshedding ends. However, it could go from 2 hours, to almost 10 hours which is the worst-case scenario that could happen. Do you care about your reputation in Discord? Like, I have heard that you were falsely reported multiple times. Personally, I don't give 2 shits about my reputation. But as a bot developer of Jeanne, I have to protect her reputation as someone accused her of being a raid/nuke bot. So, keep damaging my reputation as much as you like but I will be defending Jeanne to protect her image. Why are you still using discord.py when it will retire on April 2022? You know that library doesn't have a slash command package, right? I am aware of that and yes, I do know that it doesn't have a slash package. But I am using the unstable packages that might continue Jeanne's lifetime in Discord as she has the dpy-interactions package installed. But there would be a time when I will use discord.js for Jeanne in the nearby future. Why can you selfhost Jeanne? With loadshedding and internet gets knocked out? No.
More about botban (January 2022)
Botban means that you are banned from using a bot and all commands are rendered useless to you.
How does one get botbanned? As seen in rules, if someone was caught or reported for breaking the rules depending on the seriousness of it, they will be botbanned. The commands will be rendered useless to them as they will see the thinking status until it times out. All their data such as XP and QP that was collected and stored in the database except warnings and timed bans that they have will be deleted. I do not care how much work and effort they made. It is their fault that they have broken the rules.
If someone gets botbanned, can they appeal for it? I am not a very forgiving man so when someone is botbanned, they are botbanned PERMANENTLY! They will have no chance of appealing their botban.
If someone is botbanned, can they report any bug, faults, exploits or someone breaking the rules they have seen?
It will depend on the accuracy of the report.
UPDATE: Not anymore since it has been switched to webhook method after the v3.0 update
Will they be a chance that my botban will be revoked?
NEVER! Even if you stopped using Discord, you will never be unbotbanned.
FAQ Part 2 (March 2022)
I was botbanned and someone was able to warn, mute, kick, delete my messages and ban me with Jeanne. I thought I was immune to moderation commands. Why? Being botbanned doesn't grant you immunity from commands done on you. Being botbanned renders all commands to you useless but not commands on you, meaning someone can still ban you with Jeanne even if you are botbanned.
I was botbanned but my warnings in a server is still there. Why were they not removed? If you have read from above, being botbanned doesn't grant you immunity on commands done on you and it is only your XP data, currency data and inventory data removed from the database. Your warnings will stay in the database after you are botbanned.
Someone used a guess or say command and I want to troll them by ruining the command by typing for them before they finish but failed. Why? The guess and say command are waiting for the response from the person who used the command. Third parties will be unable to type a message for them as it is author target.
Can I contribute to Jeanne such as fixing your broken codes or faults? I am more than happy that you will contribute to Jeanne. Just make sure you make a pull request and alert me about it so I can have a look at it.
What if I want people to appeal for their warns in the server? Will there be an appeal command? That one is still under questioning but I do not guarantee that it will be implemented. (Update: Forget about it)
How to contribute to Jeanne (May 2022)
To contribute to Jeanne, you have to fork the lastest branch from the repo from Github. Make sure you have a Github account when making contributions. You need Python, NextCord, SQLite3 and PIL knowledge (at least Python and NextCord will be okay). Then after you thought of some new commands or did some fixes, make a pull request.
Update: You now need DiscordPy knowledge
Why was Jeanne buggy for the past few days? (May 2022)
The reason for this was that a contributor gave me the source code on a faulty and buggy stage without her and my knowledge. After that has happened, over 60+ faults and bugs were identified. They are still as of now, being fixed however the contributor is temporary pulled out of the project until further notice.
Right now, only 30 bugs has been fixed but I am not sure when the repair will be done.
I deeply apologise for this event to happen. Luckily, no data was lost or destroyed.
HELP! I lost access to my main account! What can I do to get all my stuff back? (July 2022)
If you suddenly lost access to your main account, you have to get in contact with me via email or Discord so I can transfer everything except your XP data from your main to your new or alt account. You must provide proof that you have really lost access to your account and I need user IDs of both your main account and your alt account. If it is reasonable, I will transfer your things to your other account.
Just to let you know:
1. If you were farming QP on your other account including buying stuff, only a portion from your main will be transferred to your other account. Sometimes, it can be excluded. For example, if you have 1000 QP and 3 wallpapers on your main but the other account has 200QP and 5 wallpapers, 800QP will be transferred to your other account. As for the wallpapers, if some matches the ones you have, it will be ignored too.
2. If you are asking to have your stuff transferred to your other account because Jeanne is not responding to your main account but she is to other users and your alt too, you are probably botbanned and your alt will be botbanned too.
3. Your XP data will not be transferred
Why was the hentai commands not working for past few days? (April 2023)
The reason why the commands were not working for the past few days is because I was recently dev warned by Discord for having Jeanne passing illicit content that have violated ToS in terms of NSFW. I am suspecting that an exploit happened and made it easier for someone to get those kind of material so I had to take precautions. The commands will be available after the update.
Please note that the following content is reportable:
Lolis, shotas and/or cubs sexualised or enganging in a sexual activity
Extreme content such as gore, vore (gay/yaoi is not considered reportable)
Imgur's ToS Change (April 2023)
As most of you know, Imgur is changing their ToS which will take effect on May 15, 2023.
What does it have to do with Jeanne? The new ToS states about removal of NSFW related content and I am worried about the swimsuits and questionable content stored for the image related commands. To read more about the ToS, click here
What will I do? I will try and contact the support team for more information about this to ask about this if this kind of content is okay and it is marked private in my Imgur albums. If support says no, I'm afraid that your favourite image/wallpaper of Saber, Jeanne and/or Medusa in swimwear will be removed to respect the new ToS. However, I will save all the images and try to figure out a way to have them back in the image commands. But I would advise all of you to save all your NSFW images in your Imgur albums before the ToS changes.
I just hope that they don't say no or else the commands will lose 200+ images. I apologies for this but it is what it is.
Deletions due to Imgur's new ToS (May 2023)
To respect the new Imgur ToS and after making adjustments, the following deletion events have been made:
Out of 1327 Jeanne images, only 86 were delete due to seen as crossing the borderlines of NSFW, repeated images and not related to Jeanne d'Arc
Out of the 556 Saber images, only 34 were delete due to seen as crossing the borderlines of NSFW, repeated images and not related to Artoria (Saber) or other Saber Class servant
Out of the 347 Medusa images, only 29 were delete due to seen as crossing the borderlines of NSFW, repeated images and not related to Medusa (Rider)
Out of 554 Animemes, only 15 were delete due to repeated images and not animeme material
Out of 191 wallpapers, only 20 were deleted due to off-topic
Nekos and Kitsunes remain unchanged since they don't use Imgur
UPDATE: Imgur pulled an Imgur. Images are now stored locally
Onboarding kills the Welcoming System (June 2023)
After Discord introduced onboarding, I was very curious of how it works but then I noticed it has stopped Jeanne from sending welcoming messages.
I thought it was a fault but everything is okay at first. I later tried on a verified bot and it still failed to send a welcoming message.
It turns out the onboarding not only kills the welcoming system in Jeanne but in other verified bots. I guess the same goes for unverified bots too.
My best suggestion, don't set onboarding unless you want your server to be partnered by Discord.
UPDATE: The onboarding issue has been fixed thanks to an update in the Discordpy library
Implementation of Prefix Commands (February 2024)
As most of you don't know, prefix commands are making a comeback but slowly. For now, they can be used ONLY by the Beta users. I am however expecting faults and bugs since it has been 3 years since I have made prefix commands accessible to users excluding the Owner
The reason for this was because everytime you try to type a slash command, it is clustered with other commands and Discord limits each server to allow 25 bots with slash commands. Any further and the rest of the bot's slash commands will not load. I don't know what kind of server would have over 25 bots unless it is a bot listing server.
Until all the commands have been prefixed and their faults and bugs fixed, they will be accessible to everyone.
Just to let you know:
1. It will take weeks to finish the prefixed so they cannot be done on time for everyone. My expected date to have them done is before June 2024.
2. The default prefixes are j!
, J!
, Jeanne
and jeanne
. You can also mention her. Customisable prefixes are not available due to specific reasons
Unexpected Loss of Data (7 March 2024)
Something has happened to the XP and bank data. For the XP data, ALL of it is gone and about HALF of the bank data is missing. It seems that the database has somehow deleted it's own data and I am really confused of how it happened. I just noticed it now.
For the bank data, if you can show a screenshot to my email with your user ID showing your last balance, I can compensate for it but for the XP data, I'm afraid I cannot recover it.
I deeply apologise for the major loss of data. I am still checking if there is some data that has been missing.
Thank you and again, sorry. UPDATE: I found an old data and it has been pushed
I am done with Jeanne (for now) (June 2024)
Don't take the title wrong. I am done with Jeanne but for now. v5.0 was a very big update that stressed me out for long and it took about 6 or 7 months to do, even after the beta updates but I have thought that Jeanne has reached her peak for now. I may not work on her heavily but I will be continuing to fix bugs and exploits found in Jeanne (for example, the Calculation of Death that will kill her and take forever to be restarted). So as of now, after pushing the update, I will take a break on her except again, fixing bugs and exploits. Now with her out of my hands, I can finally work on the side projects I forgot to finish about a year ago... Thank you
Word of thanks (June 2024)
I am really thankful that most of you were patient waiting for the new update. I was 150% aware that there were some faults that needed to be fixed. Also I am very happy that Jeanne has been added to over 1k servers!!!
Prefix Commands Removed Scare (July 2024)
There has been a slight change to the prefix commands. Unfortunately, messages can't be easily hidden, and some people have found exploits and workarounds with these commands that made it difficult to manage. I have tested this myself, and itβs alarming to see these vulnerabilities. To avoid receiving a warning from Discord, I have decided to remove ALL prefixed commands. Jeanne will now only use slash commands. Additionally, I am completely removing the rating support. All hentai-related commands will now return explicit content. The reason for this is that the "questionable" option has been returning illicit images, which is an exploitable workaround. To ensure Jeanne feels like 'v5.0', I will continue to fix current errors. I will leave her as she is for now until the fixes have been pushed. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Disappointment (July 2024)
I'm deeply disappointed that I had to do these significant changes to Jeanne after months of work. Due to vulnerabilities in the prefix commands and potential Discord warnings, I've had to remove ALL prefixed commands. Jeanne will now only use slash commands. Additionally, rating support is completely removed, meaning all hentai-related commands will now return explicit content to prevent illicit image workarounds.
On top of that, DiscordBotLists has API issues with Python bots, and when I reported this, they went quiet and ghosted me. As a result, Jeanne will be pulled from DiscordBotLists, and all vote rewards will be managed through TopGG.
I apologize for any inconvenience these changes may cause.
Please don't take it personally. I am mad at reality, DBL, the hentai APIs, the hentai posters and myself but thank you for adding and using Jeanne. That does make me smile
Important Updates on Jeanne's Development (February 2025)
I guess you are wondering what's happening with the update with Jeanne . Well, I have not given up on her. I am secretly working on something that would work but the thing is my tablet PC went for repairs because it's not charging and the detachable keyboard stopped responding. I wish I could work on her on this PC but I have decided to use it as a home theatre and her latest files are in that tablet PC but the guys there are professionals as I have helped them before. So the moment I get it, I will IMMEDIATELY work on her. I 100% promise, even if my semester starts, I will have to push myself to handle Jeanne and university at the same time.
Also about the problem with the NSFW commands, I have notice that certain tags have potential workarounds to get the illicit content. For example, if you use
small chest
as a tag, there is a higher chance that you will get a loli instead of an adult figure with a small chest. I have added these tags on the filter so such things wont be returned but... its in the tablet PC... All I can do is wait for users to report the content so I can filter them internally in Jeanne .And for those who MISUSED the report function, all their IDs have been saved and once the Developer Punishments feature is fully finished and added, they will be punished accordingly.
That is all I need to say. Goodnight and thank you for adding Jeanne
Last updated
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