🔧Known Errors

This will help you to know what went wrong with Jeanne and how to troubleshoot. This will be updated whenever an error happens and how to solve it.


Bot requires ___ permission(s) to run this command

Jeanne does not have the required permissions to run this command

Enable the permission that is missing

You are missing ___ permission(s) to run this command

You don't have the required permissions to run the command

Wait for a server admin or manager to grant you this missing permission

Invalid image URL

The URL you used is not a valid image URL or is not supported

Provide a valid and viewable image URL that ends with JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF or APNG depending on the command

Failed to make profile card

You or the member have not yet talked in an XP enabled channel

Start talking in a channel Jeanne can view and see messages

  1. The application did not respond

  2. The application did not respond (hidden message)

  1. The command took too long to run that it had no choice but to timeout

  2. You are banned from using the bot, meaning the command was rendered useless to you but not to others

  1. Report to developer with this error.

This command is disabled by the server's managers

The command cannot be used in the server

If you are a manager, you can enable the command. If not, wait for management to enable it

Loading options failed

This usually happens because there are too many custom options.

Type at least one letter to reveal some options

No options match your search

The option you typed in is not valid

Type the correct option

I don't have this command

Occurs when a command does not exist

Please type in the correct and valid command

Uh Oh!

It seems you are trying something that is meant for beta users.

The command is exclusive to beta users only

Join Orleans and get in hold of me to join the Beta Programme

404 Not Found (error code: 10008): Unknown Message

The message ID you added for the /embed edit command doesn't exist in the channel

Please make sure you are put the correct message ID of a message that exists in a channel

Last updated