Levelling Help

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HOW TO GAIN XP You gain XP by sending a message. You gain 5XP/2 Minutes/Message meaning if you send a message now, you will gain 5XP but you have to wait for 2 minutes to gain another 5 XP on the next message. On weekends, you get 10XP/2 Minutes/Message.

PROFILE See your profile card or someone's profile card Note: If you see a 'Failed to create level card' error, it means you or the member have no XP. You can check your profile again after 2 minutes. The card will show your rank and available badges you have Command: /profile {MEMBER}

GLOBAL RANK Check who is the top 15 users globally. You might be lucky if your name shows. Those who are in the top 15 have the Top 30 Badge or higher Command: /rank global

SERVER RANK Check who is the top 15 users of the server if applicable. You might be lucky if your name shows Command: /rank server

Last updated