Help about badges, what they mean and how to obtain them. Future badges will be made at a later time
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Help about badges, what they mean and how to obtain them. Future badges will be made at a later time
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TopGG Voter
When you vote for . Easy to earn but last for 12 hours
1st Place Global
Given to the member who is 1st place in the XP leaderboard globally. Nice!
2nd Place Global
Given to the member who is 2nd place globally in the XP leaderboard.
3rd Place Globally
Given to the member who is 3rd place globally in the XP leaderboard.
Top 30 Globally
Given to people who are top 30 in the global XP leaderboard.
Top 100 Globally
Given to people who are top 100 in the XP leaderboard.
Richest QP
Given to the top 15 people with highest QP.
Bot Developer
Only belongs to the creator of Jeanne.
Jeanne Partner
Conditionally given to people who have close relations with the developer or his server.
Beta Tester
Given to people who were part of the Beta Programme. They receive bonus QP from dailies and votes. They get access to Beta Only features before it can be globalised
Country Badges
Badges available to buy with /shop country
. They are replaceable.