Fun Help

Legend [ ] - Required { } - Optional ( ) - Extra Info | - Choices

8 BALL Ask 8 ball anything and you will get your answer Command: /8ball [QUESTION]

COMBINE Type two words to get one combined word Aliases: join Command: /combine [WORD_1] [WORD_2]

CHOOSE Add some choices and I will choose for you. Separate them with , for multiple choices Command: /choose [CHOICES]

REVERSE Say something and I will say it in reversed text

Note: Some words have been filtered but one can guarantee an immediate botban. Command: /reverse [TEXT]

ANIMEME Get a random animeme Command: /animeme

GAY RATE Check how gay you or the member is Command: /gayrate {MEMBER}

SIMP RATE Check how much of a simp you or the member is Command: /simprate {MEMBER}

Last updated