Utility Help

Legend [ ] - Required { } - Optional ( ) - Extra Info

WEATHER CITY Get weather information on a city

Note: US, Canadian and UK ZIP Codes can be used Command: /weather [CITY]

CALCULATOR Wanna make a calculation? Use the calculator NOTE: Please refer to Python Operators when using this command

Command: /calculator [CALCULATION]

INVITE Invite me to your server or join my creator's server

Command: /invite

EMBED GENERATOR Generates an embed message using JSON scripts or JSON files NOTE: You have to chose a text channel where Jeanne can send the embed message. You need to use Discohooks to generate embeds. You can add more embeds for a single message but the maximum is 10. To generate using embed scripts, click on add embed and add whatever you want and when you are done, use the JSON Data Editor and copy the script. To use as JSON file, create a text file. You can create a JSON file just by pasting the script into the text file. You can't use both JSON script and JSON file as options at the same time Required Permission: Administrator Command: /embed generate [CHANNEL] {JSON SCRIPT} {JSON FILE}

EMBED EDIT Edits an existing embed message NOTE: The command works the same as /embed generate except you need to include the channel the message is in including the message ID. Command: /embed edit [CHANNEL] [MESSAGE ID] {JSON SCRIPT} {JSON FILE}

BOT REPORT Found an exploit, bug or fault or reporting someone misusing the bot? You can report them and they will be dealt with. Command: /botreport

ADD REMINDER Add a reminder to alert you about something you need to do NOTE: All responses from reminder related commands are hidden away from everyone except you to see. A reminder ID will be given. You need your DMs opened to get alerted before the due time or it will be skip. You can only add up to 10 reminders Command: /reminder add [reason] [time]

LIST REMINDERS Check all the reminders you have Command: /reminder list

CANCEL REMINDER Cancels a reminder NOTE: You need to give a valid reminder ID Command: /reminder cancel [reminder ID]

DICTIONARY Check the meaning(s) of a word NOTE: For now, the supported languages are English, French, Japanese, Dutch, German and Spanish. If you don't provide a language option, English will be selected as default. Command: /dictionary [word] {language}

Last updated