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Warn a user for violating a rule. You can add a reason for what they did.
Note: A warn ID is given. This warn ID is server specific. This command can work if you have roles set in your server. You won't be able to warn someone higher than you but you can warn people lower than you
Required permissions: Kick Members
Command: /warn [USER] {REASON}
List warnings of members in the server or warnings a member has received. It will show how many times a member has been warned or their Warn IDs (if the member option was used)
Note: Everyone can use this command
Server: /list-warns
Member: /list-warns {MEMBER}
Revokes a warning that a member has by warn ID
Note: You must give a valid warn ID to revoke it
Required permissions: Kick Members
Command: /clear-warn [MEMBER] [WARN_ID]
Kicks a user out of the server. You can add a reason for what they did
Note: They are able to come back to the server if they have the invite
Required permissions: Kick Members
Command: /kick [USER] {REASON}
BAN Bans a user or member of the server. You can add a reason for what they did and/or time for how long they should be banned.
Note: If an invalid or no time has been given, they will be permanently banned instead
Required permissions: Ban Members
Command: /ban [MEMBER | USER ID] {REASON} {TIME}
Uβnbans a user so they can be able to come back to the server. You can add a reason why they are unbanned
Note: Banned users with their user IDs will show as options in the command. Make sure you have selected the correct user
Required permissions: Ban Members
Command: /unban [USER_ID] {REASON}
Bulk delete messages in the current channel
NOTE: This will delete up to 100 messages. You can also mention a member and/or add a number less than 100 to delete the messages.
Required Permission: Manage Messages, Read Message History
Command: /prune {LIMIT} {MEMBER}
Timeout someone using the Discord timeout feature and they will not talk. You can add a reason why they are on timeout.
Note: If no time has been given, time will be 27 days. You cannot timeout someone for more than 27 days due to Discord's limits.
Required Permission: Moderate Members
Command: /timeout [MEMBER] {TIME} [REASON]
Removes a timeout from a member so they can talk.
Note: Members on timeout will show as options in the command. Make sure you have selected the correct member
Required Permission: Moderate Members
Command: /timeout-remove [MEMBER] {REASON}
Change a member's nickname
Note: You cannot change your own nickname with this command.
Required Permission: Manage Nicknames
Command: /change-nickname [MEMBER] [NICKNAME]
Bans multiple users in one go. Leave a space after adding a user ID
Note: You can only ban up to 25 users. The cooldown is 30 minutes per server, meaning if someone uses the command, the next person must wait for 30 minutes to use it. I am NOT responsible in any way or form if the command has been used incorrectly (such for nuking purposes but report the nuker of the command to me).
Required Permission: Administrator
Command: /massban [USER_IDs] [REASON]
Unbans multiple users in one go. Leave a space after adding a user ID
Note: You can only unban up to 25 users. The cooldown is 30 minutes per server, meaning if someone uses the command, the next person must wait for 30 minutes to use it. I am NOT responsible in any way or form if the command has been used incorrectly (such for unbanning raiders but report whoever unbanned them).
Required Permission: Administrator
Command: /massunban [USER_IDs] [REASON]
Last updated
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